Thursday, December 12, 2013

TKAM response journal chapters 24 and 25


When Atticus reflects on Tom Robinson's death while in the kitchen with Calpurnia, Miss Maudie, Aunt Alexandra, and Scout he says. " I guess Tom was tired of white men's chances and preferred to take his own" (Lee 236). I agree with what Atticus says because if I were in Tom's situation I would do something similar if not the same thing that he did at the jail. Atticus is saying that Tom was sick of the odds always being against him because he was black, and he took the chance of trying to escape even though the odds were against him because of his left arm. I can understand that Tom really had nothing left to loose and felt the need to at least try to escape from the horrible situation he was in. I respect Tom for taking the chance he did because after taking so many chances with the white people of Maycomb, he needed to take his own chance for once.

Something else brag intrigued me is when Aunt Alexandra tells Miss Maudie that the people of Maycomb are willing to let Atticus do the things that they're are too scared to do and Miss Maudie replies, " Have you ever thought of it this way, Alexandra? Whether Maycomb knows it or not, we're paying the highest tribute we can pay a man. We trust him to do right. It's that simple" (Lee 236).  I think that this is a brilliant way of looking at the way that the people in town look to Atticus to solve their problems. They respect him and look up to him to help them because of his knowledge and determined attitude towards everything he does.

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