Tuesday, December 10, 2013

TKAM response journal chapters 22 and 23


A quote that made me stop and think was when Atticus talks to Jem and Scout about the verdict of Tom Robinson's trial and the people in the jury and he says, "They've done it before and they did it tonight and they'll do it again and when they do it- seems that only children weep" (Lee 213). This quote was moving to me because Atticus is saying that the jury frequently makes a decision based on prejudice ideas and the only people who seem to get upset about it are children. I think that this is because only children see everyone as equals because they cannot understand the differences that most adults believe make some people superior to others. Children only see that we are all humans and they cannot comprehend the idea that one person is better than someone else.

Another quote that was similarly moving to me was when Jem and Scout are discussing the different kinds of people in Maycomb and Scout says, "Naw, Jem, I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks" (Lee 277). Scout is saying that when it comes down to it there really are no different groups of people that are better or worse than each other- there is only one big group of people. We all want to have happy, fulfilling lives and there shouldn't be any differences between us. No matter where someone lives, where their family comes from, how much money they make, or what color skin they have, they are still a human being and what Scout is saying is that there is absolutely no reason for them to be treated better or worse than another human being.

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