Monday, November 25, 2013

TKAM response journal chapters 11 and 12


A quote that I can connect to is when Atticus is explaining why he is defending Tom Robinson to Scout and he says, "...but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience" (Lee 105). I can connect this to my own life because I can see people around me who do things to fit in with others, but even though their actions fit in with others, that does not mean that what they do goes along with their personal morals and standards. For example, their are people that I know that drink to be accepted by their friends, but I know that I would not be able to drink because I would be guilty and, as Atticus explains to Scout, my conscience does not abide by the morals of the majority of people that I know.

Another quote that I made a connection to while I was reading was when Calpurnia answers Scout's question about why she speaks differently in church than at the Finch's house and Calpurnia says, "...folks don't like to have somebody around knowin' more than they do. It aggravates 'em" (Lee 126). I can see this in the world and people around me, as well as in myself, because it makes a person feel inferior and belittled when they are made out to look like they do not know as much as another person. When other people know more about any particular subject than I do, I admit that it makes me frustrated because I have the natural desire to be more  knowledgable than others and I do not like it when someone is superior to me. I can connect this concept to the rest of the world as well because I think that people feel threatened by others who are smarter than them, and they become angry and defensive towards the person because they do not know what else to do.

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