Monday, April 28, 2014

All you need is love

For my final project I have decided to use the topic of love to explain what humans need in order to live a fulfilling life through my issue of The New Yorker. I want to use the topic of love because I think that it is the most important thing that all humans need to survive. Without love we would not be able to establish the important connections with others that we need to be happy. These connections make us feel like we belong with a person or certain group of people, such as family or friends, and give us a sense of identity. Loving others and being loved gives us confidence and is an important part of our mental health. Our loved ones create a support system for us and life would be really hard without that system to help us succeed. Love can be seen in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD as Jem looks after Scout and protects her, and as Atticus passes his knowledge and wisdom down to Jem and protects his children as best as he can. It can also be seen in THE HELP as Aibileen does all she can to give Mae Mobley confidence and empathy she needs to grow up and be a successful, kind person. She loves her and puts Mae Mobley's needs before her own. It is shown in ROMEO AND JULIET because the two teens are willing to die if they can't express their love for each other, and in OF MICE AND MEN as George looks after Lennie even though he doesn't have to. Furthermore, the way that the members of the Younger family support each other in A RAISIN IN THE SUN shows how important it is to have loved ones support us when we are going through hard times. Finally, the friendly love that Finny and Gene have for each other in A SEPARATE PEACE drives them to help and support each other and achieve their personal goals. All of these works show the importance of love and why it is necessary for us to live a happy and fulfilling life. 

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